World History
Course Description
This full-year survey of World History focuses on major political, economic, social, and cultural events and contributions from the Age of Global Encounters to the Modern World. The course will also build upon the narrative with skills essential to the student of history including critical thinking and problem solving, source interpretation and analysis, and writing.
Classroom Expectations
Do your work, on time & with integrity.
Ask questions & seek help.
Participate & be enthusiastic.
Be respectful (to your classmates, your teacher, yourself, and your classroom.)
No phones, headphones, or non-class Chromebook use.
Follow SHS Code of Conduct
When absent, make up work in a reasonable amount of time.
Assignments and Assessments
Students will be evaluated in a variety of ways. Students' grades will be based on homework (20%), class work and participation (20%), and quizzes, tests, and major assessments (60%). Late assignments will lose credit for each day they are late and will not be accepted after the close of a unit. Students are expected to demonstrate integrity and do all of their own work in their own words at all times. Any work determined to be non-original will receive a zero.
Students should have their Chromebooks available and charged for class. Use of Chromebooks should be limited to class activities, i.e. no games, videos, etc. Cell phone and headphones must be put away during class.
Students are also expected to join and regularly check the World History Google Classroom.
Students who are absent are expected to proactively gather missing work. Students will have a reasonable amount of time to make up classwork and homework. All tests are announced well in advance; therefore, a student who is absent the day before a test will still take the test in class on the announced day. A student who is absent the day of a test should see me to make arrangements to take the test during lunch or before or after school within a reasonable period of time.
Support & Contact
It is my job to help you succeed in this class. Please know that you can and should communicate any questions, concerns, requests, clarifications, and unusual circumstances to me. I want to help!
In person: I teach in 203. My office is between 210 & 212.
By email: (checked until 9-ish)
You should sign up for our Google Classroom and check your e-mail regularly.